
class statey.registry.RegistryHooks

Specifies hooks for handling different annotations and converting them to types

get_caster(from_type: statey.syms.types.Type, to_type: statey.syms.types.Type, registry: statey.registry.Registry) → Caster

Hook to get a caster object to cast from one type to another

get_differ(type: statey.syms.types.Type, registry: statey.registry.Registry) → Encoder

Handle the given type and produce an Differ instance for diffing values of that type

get_encoder(type: statey.syms.types.Type, registry: statey.registry.Registry, serializable: bool) → Encoder

Handle the given type and produce an Encoder instance that can encode values of that type

serializable indicates that encoded values that the Encoder produces should always be JSON-serializable

get_impl_serializer(impl: ObjectImplementation, type: statey.syms.types.Type, registry: statey.registry.Registry) → ObjectImplementationSerializer

Hook to get an implementation serializer from an implementation and type

get_impl_serializer_from_data(data: Any, registry: statey.registry.Registry) → ObjectImplementationSerializer

Hook to get an impl serializer from data

get_methods(type: statey.syms.types.Type, registry: statey.registry.Registry) → ObjectMethods

Hook to get methods for a particular type

get_namespace_serializer(ns: Namespace, registry: statey.registry.Registry) → NamespaceSerializer

Hook to get a namespace serializer from a namespace

get_namespace_serializer_from_data(data: Any, registry: statey.registry.Registry) → NamespaceSerializer

Hook to get a namespace serializer from data

get_object(value: Any, registry: statey.registry.Registry) → Object

Hook to create an objecxrt from an arbitrary value

get_object_serializer(obj: Object, registry: statey.registry.Registry) → ObjectSerializer

Hook to get an object serializer from an object

get_object_serializer_from_data(data: Any, registry: statey.registry.Registry) → ObjectSerializer

Hook to get an object serializer from data

get_plugin_installer(name: str, registry: statey.registry.Registry) → PluginInstaller

Hook to fetch a plugin installer

get_provider(name: str, params: Dict[str, Any], registry: statey.registry.Registry) → Provider

Hook to get a provider from a name and params

get_provider_config(name: str, params: Dict[str, Any], registry: statey.registry.Registry) → Dict[str, Any]

Hook to modify or set a default provider configuration

get_semantics(type: statey.syms.types.Type, registry: statey.registry.Registry) → Semantics

Handle the given type and produce a Semantics instance for objects of that type

get_session_serializer(session: Session, registry: statey.registry.Registry) → SessionSerializer

Hook to get a session serializer from a session

get_session_serializer_from_data(data: Any, registry: statey.registry.Registry) → SessionSerializer

Hook to get a session serializer from data

get_state_manager(registry: statey.registry.Registry) → StateManager

Hook to fetch a state manager to use for planning operations

get_type(annotation: Any, registry: statey.registry.Registry, meta: Dict[str, Any]) → statey.syms.types.Type

Handle the given annotation and return a Type, or None to indicate it can’t be handled by this hook

get_type_serializer(type: statey.syms.types.Type, registry: statey.registry.Registry) → TypeSerializer

Handle the given type and produce an TypeSerializer instance that can encode values of that type

get_type_serializer_from_data(data: Any, registry: statey.registry.Registry) → TypeSerializer

Handle the given type and produce a TypeSerializer instance for objects of that type

infer_type(obj: Any, registry: statey.registry.Registry) → statey.syms.types.Type

Infer a type given an object

register(plugin: Any, registry: statey.registry.Registry) → None

Hook called before a plugin is registeed to add additional side effects.

class statey.provider.ProviderHooks

Defines hooks to power the default provider

get_resource(name: str, provider: statey.provider.Provider) → Resource

Analogous to the Provider.get_resource() method

class statey.syms.session.SessionHooks

Hook for pluggable functionality in sessions

after_set(key: str, value: Any, type: statey.syms.types.Type) → Any

Hook after we’ve already set a value to customize the value returned instead of a reference to the

before_set(key: str, value: Any) → Tuple[Any, statey.syms.types.Type]

Hook to handle a value before the usual logic in the set() method. This should return a (value, type) tuple, where type can be utils.MISSING to indicate we want to continue to use the default type inference logic.

class statey.syms.encoders.EncoderHooks

Hooks to wrap encoder functionality

decode(value: Any) → Any

Opposite of the encode() hook

encode(value: Any) → Any

Optionally apply some logic to encode the given value. return None if the given value is not handled.