
statey.f(template: str, scope: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None) → statey.syms.object_.Object

Interpolation operator for objects

statey.ifnull(obj: statey.syms.object_.Object, otherwise: Any) → statey.syms.object_.Object

If the object is None, substitute the value from the other object

statey.join(head: statey.syms.object_.Object, *tail: Sequence[Any]) → statey.syms.object_.Object

Pass all of the given argument to a symbolic function that will just return the first element, but the result will depend on all of the additional arguments symbolically as well

statey.struct(*args: Sequence[Tuple[str, Any]], **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) → statey.syms.object_.Object

Utility for simply create struct objects

statey.function(func: Callable[[Any], Any], type: statey.syms.types.Type = MISSING, registry: Registry = MISSING) → statey.syms.func.Function

Construct a Function object for a regular python function

statey.F = _FunctionFactory(annotation=MISSING)

An interface for creating function call objects Callable[[Any], Any], value: Any, return_type: statey.syms.types.Type = MISSING) → Any

Apply the function to the given object. If it is an object, convert func to a native function and apply it to the object’s underlying value

statey.declarative(func: Callable[[Any], Any] = MISSING, name_key: Callable[[str], str] = <function <lambda>>, ignore: Callable[[str], bool] = <function <lambda>>) → Callable[[Any], Any]

Wrap the given function as a function that declares statey objects.

statey.struct_replace(obj: statey.syms.object_.Object, keep_type=True, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) → statey.syms.object_.Object

Replace the given attributes in object

statey.fill(obj: statey.syms.object_.Object, output_type: statey.syms.types.StructType, get_value: Callable[[str], Any]) → statey.syms.object_.Object

Convert obj to output_type by filling missing fields with values resolved from get_value

statey.fill_unknowns(obj: statey.syms.object_.Object, output_type: statey.syms.types.StructType) → statey.syms.object_.Object

Convert obj to output_type by filling missing values with unknowns

statey.filter_struct(obj: statey.syms.object_.Object, output_type: statey.syms.types.StructType)

fill() which will raise an error if any exist that appears in output_type doesn’t appear in obj

statey.struct_drop(obj: Union[statey.syms.object_.Object, statey.syms.types.Type], *fields: str) → statey.syms.object_.Object

Drop the fields with the given names from obj

statey.struct_add(obj: Union[statey.syms.object_.Object, statey.syms.types.Type], *fields: Sequence[Tuple[str, Any, statey.syms.types.Type]]) → statey.syms.object_.Object

Add the given fields to obj

statey.struct_interpolate(obj: statey.syms.object_.Object, new_values: Dict[str, Any], keep_type: bool = True, path_parser: Optional[statey.syms.path.PathParser] = None) → statey.syms.object_.Object

Extend struct_interpolate_one to allow providing a dictionary of new values

statey.str(input: Any) → statey.syms.object_.Object Any) → statey.syms.object_.Object